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Potty Training Tips

Potty Training Tips

Potty Training Tips.

Going to the loo is that thing that we do as teenagers or adults that comes to us so naturally, sort of like it is an inborn trait. Now that we know better, you start to appreciate the little things that your parents did to get you to where you are.

Training a child how to use the potty has to be one of the most interesting phases of the development of your child. They are at a point where the diapers of the childhood are no longer necessary, but still do not have the confidence and the nous of using the big people potty.

What brought you here was tips, not reminiscing. Here we go. 

Have Naked Time

Your child will be in a time of transition. They have been used to wearing diapers and being clothed for nearly every moment in their lives. Now, you want them to step out of that frame and into a new one where they can relieve themselves without having a diaper.

Best way to encourage it? Let them run around the house without pants on. In the absence of a diaper, this will highly encourage you child to consider other means for relieving themselves, which is the potty.

This works best in the summer months where temperatures are conducive. Also, you child is an individual. Even though this is a tactic that works for many parents, it may not work with yours. So, experiment.


The entire purpose of potty training is to get your child to start using the big people facilities. As such, it is natural to want to place their potty in the loo, where they can get used to using the room. While associating the loo with relieving themselves is important, it may not be too convenient for them.

Their bedroom, or playroom can be a great place to begin the training process. They are already familiar with those rooms, and can be used for quick access, especially after naps or a particularly engaging play time session.

Make sure they are actually ready.

A mistake many parents make is to think that because the child has reached a certain age, then it is time to start the training. Not all children develop at the same rate. Some will develop earlier, others later. And confidence is a big factor too.

Your child should show signs that they are ready to begin the potty-training sessions. A good one to look out for is when the child can put their urges into words. If they point out that their diapers are soiled, or they need to pee, or poo, then it is time. 

There are more signs such as curiosity about the lavatory and wanting to be more independent. The ability to keep their diapers dry for two hours or more and so much more. 

Include them in the decision-making process.

Don’t you hate it when you are engaged in your most creative part of the day, then someone comes in with something new for you to do and they didn’t even talk to you about it? Now, imagine how jarring it must be for a child who is so used to handling their business in a diaper, to have to sit on a potty.

When it is time to begin the potty training process, have a talk with them. Let them know that they have reached a milestone in their lives and that you would want to teach them how to go about this new process.

When shopping for a potty, go with them. Ask their opinion about which type they would like to have. Let them test it out, uh, gently, in the store before you make a purchasing decision. Including them in the process is the first step towards getting them excited about facing this new task. 

You can also show them by example what they are going to be doing. This works much better than verbal instructions. 

Create a potty-training timetable.

The thing about children is, routine is everything if you are going to come through unscathed. Like the feeding timetable, creating one for potty training could help ingrain in them what they need to do, and when. 

You could create potty times after naptime, or after a meal. This way, the child knows it is a regular thing. You can also create a chart that tracks their progress and let them place stars on the chart when they are done. You can use this chart to reward their progress.

Encouragement in plenty!

While at it, ensure you give your child a lot of moral support. The confidence they gain from the support will go a long way towards encouraging them to do the right thing. You can reward them with a high five or a reassuring hug.

Some creative parents have been known to come up with songs about potty time, especially for nervous children. Songs help put the mind of your child at ease, especially when you sing in concert with them. This way, your child knows that you have their back through these new and scary times. 

As a way to cement this new milestone in their lives, it is time to start transitioning them towards wearing big kid underwear. This becomes an indicator to them that they are growing. You can buy underwear of their favourite cartoons, or some other fun designs. Just be aware that there will be a few underwear incidents before they fully transition to the potty.

Songs not working? How about a book? Yes, you are not the only one who likes flipping through a publication when you are in the lavatory, though you may have replaced that with TikTok and Instagram. 

A book will work wonders for your little one. You can choose to read them a book, if they aren’t too confident with their reading skills, or have them go through the book themselves. The book will help them feel more relaxed, and thus more likely to make some ”magic” happen than when you are both silent at each other hoping it will come.  

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